Pre spestrenie...
Ak náhodou máte času nazvy, môete sa zapoji, či
nezapoji do petície, či chcete alebo nechcete aby sa
TakeTwo nechalo kúpi spoločnosou Electronic Arts. Ako
píe samotný web... :
"We, the fans of Take Two Interactive Software,
Inc. (T2) games, object to the idea of Electronics Arts
(EA) purchasing T2. For the sake of diversity and
variety of choices in the video game industry, we would
like the two companies to remain separate. Each of the
companies make games that are unique to their respective
ways. The fans view the purchase of T2 shares by EA, as
jeopardizing to the games made by T2, and would not
remain loyal if EA acquired any T2 shares. By signing
this petition we strongly object the purchase of T2
shares by EA, for the stated and various other reasons."
Som zvedavý, kedy dorazí petícia za zastavenie odpredaja
Rockstars opä u spomenutým EA. Istotne ste postrehli,
e sa o tom niečo povrávalo.